Friday, June 18, 2010

Unpleasant Friday

Today is not a typical Friday for me. The reason is that I spent my morning at St. Mark's Hospital for a surgery instead of being at work. Now, I'm so bored waiting for my honey to get home from Smith's instead of work. Brett had been working from home these past few days, and he took today off to take care of me, hehe. He's so good to me. Ahh, i just love my hubby so much.


I had my first surgery ever today. I've been healthy until now. I guess this happens when you get older. Also, knock on wood that I will never break a bone neither. I was extremely nervous and it made me sick to my tummy... Not a pleasent feeling.

The whole time I was afraid to feel myself being cut open; however, thanks to the anesthesia (so proud to spell this word correctly without looking it up) I didn't feel a single thing. The only thing I remember was laying there listening to the Kelly Clarkson song "Already Gone" playing on the radio.

I woke up almost 2 hours later; apparently Brett said I'm a slow poke haha. I was cold, very sleepy, and loopey from the drug but could feel a sharp pain in my arm where they operated. The nurse then injected more pain killer into my IV. I didn't like the burning feel of that procedure, but I like how effective it was because the pain disappeared just a few seconds after that. Then, she gave me some crackers and grape juice so I could take the pain killer pill that would help me feel better for the next 6 hours.

It totally did a good job of keeping me from pain. I'm all good now and able to blog this not so pleasant event, haha :) What a special and not so fun Friday for me! Still, I'm so excited for tomorrow to start so I could do fun stuff with my hubby.

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