Thursday, July 29, 2010

Vietnamese steam buns

One of Brett’s favorite Dim Sum dishes is BBQ pork steam buns. He also likes the Vietnamese version of the steam bun. Yes, needless to say I love the Vietnamese style steam buns much better. It has more meat and a good half of a hardboiled egg. I used to have them frequently for breakfast in Vietnam.

I like the white, sweet, and fluffy buns that taste ‘Oh so good’ in the morning after come out of the steamer. I love to have hot food in the morning to warm up my little empty tummy. Ever since I came to the States, I hardly have any. Recently, I’ve became more adventurous with my cooking, and decided why not make some.

I was scared at first, but after making it for the first time that day I realized it’s unbelievably easy. I bought the flour mix for about $2 from Hong Phat, a well-known Vietnamese market in Salt Lake City. All I need to do for the bun is to follow the instructions in the bag.

The fun part is to make the pork. You’ll need ground pork, also got from Hong phat for less than $5. I prefer seasoning it with salt and pepper, some soysauce, chopped green onions, chopped garlic, and optional: Vietnamese mushrooms (moc nhi). You can be creative and add some other veggies like carrots, cabbage, etc… Maybe I’ll try this in the future. The other thing I add to the meat filling is half of a hardboiled egg cut into quarter pieces like cut it half then another half in order to wrap the flour around easily.

With one bag of flour mix, I made a dozen of these steam buns :) Well worth my $7!

Pre-cooked buns:


Cooked buns, right after coming out of the steamer


View of the meat filling. Brett loves eating these with some soy sauce. I like it either way. Oh so good!


Writing this blog makes me crave for more steam buns.... Yumyum... Fluffy buns...

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